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Тіні забутих предків (Сергeй Параджанов, 1964) (Ru, En, It, Pt, Fr subs)

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Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (Тени забытых предков) is a film by the Soviet filmmaker Sergei Parajanov based on the classic book by Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky. The film was Parajanov's first major work and earned him international acclaim for its rich use of costume and color. The film also features a detailed portrayal of Ukrainian Hutsul culture, showing not only the harsh Carpathian environment and brutal family rivalries, but also the beauty of Hutsul traditions, music, costumes, and dialect. «Тени забытых предков» — художественный фильм по мотивам одноименной повести Михаила Коцюбинского, «Киностудия им. А. Довженко», 1964. Прокат (1964) — 8,5 млн зрителей.

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