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per boysen

Nostril Waltz Per Boysen Six sociopaths meet up for an annual dinner party...

Introducing our first video from Compania Malvada, an amateur film production group founded by four 2nd year film students. "La Cena" was our final project for "TV Production IIB". We admit there were a number of crazy technical difficulties especially with lighting and camera, things that we didn't account for which showed up in post, etc. But overall, we are content with the project, especially because of our amazing cast below, the chemistry between the actors, the screen and the filmmakers, and also because it was a brilliant learning experience for what worked and what didn't. Also, it happened to be remarkably fun! :)

Much love and thanks to everyone involved.

The Suit: Jovan Muthray
Black Widow: Doreen Maroga
The Idiot: Iain Gordon-Webster
Trash Queen: Binnie Christie
Mystery Man: Ivan André
The Host: Mark Tatham

Production/Production Design:
Sam Aberdeen, Nikita Morare, Hankyeol Lee, Rainn Vlietman

Written by: Hanul Lee with Hankyeol Lee
Idea by: Hankyeol Lee, Sam Aberdeen, Nikita Morare, Rainn Vlietman, Hanul Lee

Director: Sam Aberdeen
Cinematography: Rainn Vlietman
2nd Camera Operator: Nikita Morare
Lighting, Tech Grip: Nikita Morare
Sound/Sound Design: Hankyeol Lee
Post Production: Hankyeol Lee

Music Credits:
"He Like It Slow" by Louis Armstrong & Butterbeans and Susie
"The elusive monster" by alvarsovy
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"Nostril Waltz" by Per Boysen
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Рейтинг: 0

Певец: Per Boysen

Песня: Nostril Waltz

Длина файла: 05:43

Дата добавления: 2014-10-23

Текст просмотрен: 684


Другие песни этого певца Per Boysen
La Cena (Short Student Film) || A Dinner Party for Sociopaths
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